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 Christ-centered homeschool courses in writing, rhetoric, literature, history, and worldview

√  Unpacking the Great Ideas from the

world's masterworks

√  Promoting confidence and style in writing

√  Studying at home and in group settings

√  Learning from the past to live in the present

√  Guided practice with a seasoned and

respected teacher

√  Meeting in Leander, Texas

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Students from Cedar Park to Georgetown and from Liberty Hill to Round Rock gather together to examine the Great Ideas in the Omnibus courses in twice-weekly meetings. Those enrolled in a writing, rhetoric, or thesis course meet once per week to learn and practice eloquence in persuasive and deliberative writing and speaking. Group meetings are centered in conversational learning and guided practice. They are supplemented during the intervening days with essential and engaging activities and assignments delivered through Google Classroom, which students complete under parents' supervision. Tuesday and Thursday in-person meetings are held in Leander, Texas.

Open Book


We continue the Great Conversation through guided interaction with the great authors, bringing the Scriptures to bear on our reading of their masterworks and using them in developed exercises for thinking as Christians and communicating with eloquence. We also emphasize Bible literacy, art, culture, philosophy, ethics, and politics.

Home: Courses

The foundation of our Worldviews of the West program is the Omnibus series, a Bible-based Great Books curriculum from Veritas Press for middle and high school students. The Omnibus teaches students the lessons of the past in order to live in the present. It is the approach preferred by a host of classical Christian educators for teaching an expansive 3-subject course that integrates history, literature, and theology. By progressing through this comprehensive study, students gain a solid, biblical foundation for examining the worldviews of the West. Classes meet in-person, twice weekly.

Grades 7-9

Year Offered




Grades 10-12





Classical Composition is an excellent starter course for a study of rhetoric. It is designed for advanced elementary through early high school age students, whether or not they plan to enroll in The Lost Tools of Writing courses. Classical Composition is rooted in the progymnasmata, a sequence of 14 exercises that were taught in the classical and medieval periods to train in the art of writing. Adapted for today's student, these exercises are still integral in developing honest, clear, and compelling writing. Classical Composition meets in-person, once weekly. (availability based on enrollment)

The Lost Tools of Writing, Levels 1-3 from Circe Institute is an excellent composition course of study for middle and high school students. It is designed to help young writers develop a competency that will enable them to move forward with confidence in all forms of composition. Each level of LTW provides an excellent companion course for the Omnibus as well as a solid foundation for classical rhetoric and senior thesis in the later high school years. LTW courses meet in-person, once weekly. (Level 2 available 2025-206 / Levels 1 and 2 available based on enrollment)

Classical Rhetoric is for older high school students. It is focused on the theory of oration and the fundamentals of composition in the process of writing and speech preparation. Rhetoric has been an essential part of a liberal education since Aristotle whose principles of persuasion remain foundational for modern students who wish to hone their writing and develop skill in oral communication. Rhetoric meets in-person, once weekly. (availability based on enrollment)

Senior Thesis is a capstone course and crowning achievement in a student’s academic journey.  While designed as a senior course, it also may be taken by advanced juniors who have successfully completed the writing and rhetoric courses of study. The thesis showcases a student’s knowledge and expertise within a subject he or she has chosen and has researched fully. Students research the background of their topic, analyze others' arguments, and synthesize their findings and discoveries, putting it all together in an academic paper and delivering a separate speech before an audience. (available 2025-2026)

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A Well-Respected Educator

Mark Dolan has over 35 years of Christian classroom, homeschool, and leadership experience. He holds undergraduate and master's degrees in Christian education. A student of the Bible and a lifelong reader and learner, Mark has worked his way through the classics of Western literature for self-improvement and for teaching young people and adults. In addition to teaching, his professional experience includes Christian and classical school teaching and administration, consulting, public speaking, tutorials, writing, and copyediting. With a true dedication to sharing knowledge, he has nurtured and inspired countless people inside and outside of the classroom.

Mark founded the Rhetoric Outfitter with the goal of encouraging the Great Conversation among young people by helping them bring the Scriptures to bear on the Great Ideas encountered while nurturing Christian thinking, writing, and speaking.

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